Questioning the use of a mother's breast milk for a preterm 33 weeks. She is now on a vercuronium drip.
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The InfantRisk team
Vecuronium (Norcuron)
Dear DeJensen,
It is unlikely that Vecuronium would enter milk due to its large molecular weight. Although its oral bioavailability is not reported, it is likely to be small and therefore the drug is not likely to be absorbed by the infants GI tract (although you have to be extra cautious in a preemie due to their immature GI tract). A brief waiting period of a few hours (4-6) after its use in surgery is commonly recommended. However, because this mom is on a drip, you should wait until she comes off the drip and then restart feeds 4-6 hours later. Hope this is helpful.
Maria Milla,MD
InfantRisk Center