Thank you for this insight and reading recommendation.
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Breastfeeding and CBD Edibles
Got Milk: We have no data on the transfer of cannabidiol into human milk. I imagine some gets into milk, but little is probably absorbed orally by the infant. This is particularly true for marijuana, but we simply don't have any data on CBD. CBD levels in plasma following ORAL administration of 10 mg, plasma level were < 2 ng/mL. This is pretty low, but chronic use may increase this level.
Does it enter milk, almost certainly. Does it enter in clinically relevant amounts, we don't know at this point.
For more on this drug read: Human Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics by Marilyn A. Huestis. Chem Biodivers. 2007 August ; 4(8): 1770–1804
Tom Hale Ph.d.
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Breastfeeding and CBD Edibles
I am looking for any evidence, preliminary research, or best guess recommendations for the use of cannabidiol edibles for pain management. I am a breastfeeding mother living with chronic pain. I do occasionally use a topical CBD oil for relief but have heard that the edible forms may be more effective. Does the CBD enter into the milk supply? Is it stored the same in fat? Any insight is very much appreciated.Tags: None
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