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Another question regarding hydrocodone and breastfeeding

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  • Another question regarding hydrocodone and breastfeeding

    So I have a two part question.

    Firstly, I know that hydrocodone is safe while breastfeeding but nearly every source I've found talks about drug concentration levels and to avoid breastfeeding in the first two hours after taking your medication. My child is two months old and breastfed on demand. Timing this is nearly impossible as his sleep is unpredictable and thats the only time he goes more than an hour without eating. Is feeding him during this time frame really that much of a detriment?he is two months old. I only take one 7.5/325 pill twice a day until next this coming Friday.

    Lastly, I will be taking 7.5/325 hydrocodone/acetominaphen for the next two weeks, only once or twice a day before my dental surgery and up to 4 times a day for a week after friday, is this sort of long term use going to cause any issues with possible withdrawal in my infant?
    Last edited by Wondering; 08-18-2018, 09:06 AM.