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  • Norco

    I have a one week old infant who was delivered full term with no problems, perfectly healthy. I was on Norco 5-500 every 4 hours while in the hospital. They also occasionally gave me Percocet instead of Norco. When I got home from the hospital, I was still in a lot of pain and took one 10-500 pill. My infant did fine on these doses and seemed unaffected. My question is, would a one time dose of 20-30mg (provided that was the only dose that day) of hydrocodone be unsafe to consume and then breastfeed my one week old?

  • #2

    You need to be careful as these opiates could build up in your infant over time. I would NOT take 20-30 mg of Norco at one time. Don't do this. You could induce breathing problems in your infant and potentiate SIDS.

    Call you doctor if you have intolerable pain. Do not self medicate especially while breastfeeding.

    Tom Hale R. Ph., Ph.D.


    • #3
      Okay, I will contact my doctor instead for something that would be safe. Thank you!

