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My Lyme Experience

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  • My Lyme Experience

    In 2008 I was diagnosed with Lyme via positive blood test (I don't recall my numbers or which test), Bells Palsey and EM's all over my body. I was treated with 1 week of Amoxicillin and 2 weeks of Doxy. Though it wasn't officially diagnosed-I am pretty confident I had the Lyme Meningitis. The pain was excruciating.

    I felt better but not fully. Started doing some research, learned about Chronic Lyme. I believe I was undertreated. From 2008-the begining of my pregnancy in 2009 I had been feeling crappy with muscle weakness, extreme fatigue, floaters, trouble with word recall, memory, aches etc. I didn't have the umph or money to find a Lyme Literate Dr. (LLMD) so, instead suffered and joined a few support groups.

    Month 3 of my pregnancy (insurance kicked in) I went to an Infectious Disease Dr. with research and documentation asking to be treated, was scared for the baby's safety. He did blood work, numbers "were high" but "inconclusive" so he treated me with 500 MG of Amoxicillin for 3 months. That was month 3-6 in my pregnancy and I felt much BETTER!!

    Baby was born via a planned VBAC homebirth. 9lb 1oz, 23in. 14.5 head, apgars of 9 and 10 respectively. No complications. Everyone healthy. Midwives noted some calcification on the placenta, she attributed it to infection or allergy. She had also mentioned that she had never seen such a "thick" placenta, it was rubbery. Also, the umbillical cord was 3' long, unusual in her experience. I did not have any Lyme testing done on the baby or afterbirth, since most all of them are so inconclusive. I figured if I suspected symptoms in him, I knew what to look for and who to turn to for help and treatment.

    I was and am currently still breastfeeding, baby is now 12 months old. No supplementation with formula. He is extremely healthy, happy, content and developing well. There are no allergies, sensitivities or medical issues.

  • #2
    I was and am currently still breastfeeding, baby is now 12 months old. No supplementation with formula. He is extremely healthy, happy, content and developing well. There are no allergies, sensitivities or medical issues.


    • #3
      Its good!!

