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  • copeace
    Hi Quest,

    Dr. Hale rates the medications by risk. The scale is L1 (which are the medications that are most compatible with breastfeeding) and goes to L5 (which are the medications that should be avoided while breastfeeding).

    Savella is rated an L3. Unfortunately, we don’t have any data on the transfer of this medication into human milk, but it is expected to be similar to other medications in this class (8%-9% of the mother’s dose). Animal studies show the drug is secreted into rat milk. The time the medication is most concentrated in your system is about 2-4 hours after the medication has been taken. The half-life of theis medication is 6-8 hours. Until more is known about this drug and its transfer into breastmilk, caution is urged while using this drug in lactating women.

    However, in YOUR situation, since your infant is 12 months of age, we think this medication is probably compatible with breastfeeding.

    Please feel free to call us if you have any further questions. Our number is 806-352-2519. We are open Mon-Fri from 8:00am-5:00pm, CDT.

    Colleen Peace, BSN, RN
    TTUHSC, InfantRisk Center

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  • Quest
    started a topic fibromyalgia


    I have recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Lupus. I am currently taking Propanolol, Elavil and Roxicodone. My rheumatologist would like me to start taking Savella (Milnacipran) so I may discontinue the pain med. My daughter just turned one year old. I can not find any data on Savella and breastfeeding. Please advise. Thank you.