
After weeks of research with help from a medical librarian, I chose to use Lamictal (200mg) and Seroquel (200mg) for trying to conceive and pregnancy. In the third trimester I switch back to my regular, more effective meds; Trileptal (600-900mg) and Risperdone (2mg).

Friends who work closely with me have noticed that my symptoms are much better controlled by Trileptal, but I remember from my research that it is not as safe in early pregnancy as Lamictal is. I am much more talkative and unfiltered with the pregnancy combo than the BF, and it is causing minor difficulties for me.

Is there a significant risk difference between the two? Is my original research correct and it is better to switch back and forth? Or is the difference in risk small enough to warrant remaining on my normal medications throughout?

If there is not a significant advantage to switching, I'd like to maintain the medications that stabilize my condition most effectively.

Thank you.