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  • Clonazepam

    My doctor recommends Clonazepam to treat my anxiety postpartum. It appears to be relatively safe (?) If I make the decision to take it, am I required to notify the baby's pediatrician?

  • #2
    eowyn12, thanks for posting,

    Clonazepam is passed minimally into breast milk with only 2.8% of your dose being transferred. It is most concentrated in the milk in the first 2 hours after taking a dose, and has a half-life of 18-50 hours. We recommend taking your medication right after breastfeeding so you have a break period before feeding again. We recommend keeping the dose low, and monitoring the infant for sedation, slowed breathing rate, not waking to feed/poor feeding and weight gain. We also recommend letting your pediatrician know of all medications you use. I hope this helps, if you have any other questions please call the InfantRisk Center at 806-352-2519. Thanks,

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

