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The InfantRisk team


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  • Levofloxacin?

    My doctor started me on Amoxicillin for a ear infection in right ear. It didn’t work and now I have a ear infection in left ear. According to Dr. infection looks pretty bad in both so she prescribed Levofloxacin 500mg once a day for 7 days. I have a 3 month old who exclusively breastfeeds, can I continue to breastfeed her without worry?
    Last edited by M&J’sMommy; 05-24-2020, 05:18 PM.

  • #2
    MJ Mommy:

    Levofloxacillin is not ideal as the dose ranges up to 17% of the maternal dose, but we thing the dose the infant gets is really much lower. I'd suggest you wait about 4-5 hours AFTER the dose to to breastfeed the infant to reduce the exposure to the infant.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.


    • #3
      Okay, is their any alarming side affects I should look out for with my daughter?


      • #4

        These are reported in the package insert. Not sure you'd ever notice these in a breastfed infant. I'd suggest pain, or gastric distress such as vomiting, diarrhea.

        Tom Hale

        Pediatrics: Musculoskeletal disorders (arthralgia, arthritis, tendinopathy, and gait abnormality) seen in more levofloxacin-treated patients than in comparator. Shown to cause arthropathy and osteochondrosis in juvenile animals (5.12 ([url][/url]), 8.4 ([url][/url]), 13.2 ([url][/url])). Safety in pediatric patients treated for more than 14 days has not been studied.

