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Daily Xanax Use and Breastfeeding Continuation

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  • Daily Xanax Use and Breastfeeding Continuation

    As a long time sufferer of panic attacks and agoraphobia it was decided by my OB that I continue to take a 0.25mg dose of Xanax in the morning and evening every day. When medication was ceased during early pregnancy my blood pressure raised dramatically and episodes of syncope occurred. Baby was born healthy one week ago today. Breastfeeding is a concern for me, as I worry about the side effects of continuing to expose my baby to the medication. Exposure prenatally was already a huge concern, and exposure now is worrisome. I fear needless exposure now will do damage I was lucky enough to apparently avoid in utero. However, breast milk benefits cannot be denied, and I worry formula feeding would be more detrimental that breast milk feeding even while on the Xanax. My dose is still continuing at 0.25mg twice a day spaced approximately 12 hours apart. Should I continue to exclusively breastfeed while on the medication, or would it be safer to switch to formula only.

    Much obliged,

    A.L. Strika