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upcoming frozen embryo transfer and meds

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  • upcoming frozen embryo transfer and meds

    Hi there,
    This is a great site and I appreciate the evidence-based information. In a few months, I will be doing a frozen embryo transfer early in 2018. My son will be 26 months old by then and is still breastfeeding.
    I'd like to check on the safety of the following medications.

    Meds I would be taking:

    1) Birth control (Desogen or generic monophasic pills) 1 tab daily
    2) Estradiol 2mg 1-5 tabs/day
    3) Prometrium 200mg 1 tab twice daily
    4) Endometrin 100mg 1 tab twice daily in vagina

    5) Low dose aspirin 1 daily
    6) 5 mg dose of folic acid daily
    7) Prednisone 20mg for 3 days only
    8) Azithyromycin 500mg once a day for 3 days

    I would be taking the meds before the cycle and, if it was successful, for the 1st trimester (not including Prednisone and Azithromycin).

    Thanks very much.

  • #2

    These medications should all be ok for breastfeeding a toddler. Very little of the hormones are expected to transfer into breast milk. The main effects of the hormones would be that they may decrease your milk supply which will decrease naturally when you become pregnant, and rare feminization effects such as gynecomastia. The prednisone is a low dose so should not pose a problem for short term use. The Azithyromycin is also ok for short term use, monitor for vomiting, diarrhea and rash. The folic acid is ok and low dose aspirin is also ok. Aspirin has a low transfer rate into breast milk and all aspirin transfer is virtually gone in 2-3 hours after taking a dose.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

