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Fibro pain meds and breastfeeding

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  • Fibro pain meds and breastfeeding


    I'm 36 years old with fibro, kidney disease. Stones ... I had hydronephrosis with my pregnancy. I used 6 10mg norco or percocet everyday. Baby had no with drawl affects. Now my little one is 3 months and currently down to 3 norco or percocet aday. I have chronic pain. Unbearable at times. I want to take care of my 5 kids and nurse my baby girl. But should I stop nursing?

    She never has had any issues with the meds. No breathing sleeping etc.

  • #2

    If your infant is gaining weight and not symptomatic (sedated, slowed breathing rate, apnea, pallor, constipation) it is probably ok to continue breastfeeding. Your infant is better able to metabolize medications as they get older and they have already been exposed to this medication. We do recommend when you decide to stop breastfeeding to wean them very slowly so that they do not have withdrawal symptoms.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      Thank you

      I've been taking a med at 7 am then 1pm and then at 7 pm. I wait 2 hours before feeding as well.
      I believe no more then 30 mg a day?


      • #4

        That sounds good, waiting 2 hours avoids the peak time of the medication.

        Sandra Lovato

