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puregon and ovitrille

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  • puregon and ovitrille

    I am currently feeding my one year old but trying for baby no 2. And so we r back on treatment which involves puregon injections (50 for 5 days and 75 for 4 days) and then 250 shot of ovitrille. Dr is ok with me feeding as I really don't want to wean (he not ready) but I want to make sure if is safe to do so. Don't want to b putting little man at risk. Anyone know?
    Thanks for your help

  • #2
    Dear fhead,

    Both Puregon (follicle stimulating hormone) and Ovitrelle (chorionic gonadotropin) are large molecules and unlikely to enter breastmilk in amounts that would adversely affect your infant. These medications are not well absorbed through the stomach also decreasing the risk to your infant. You may see a decrease in milk supply, but since your child is older this risk is minimal.

    Cindy Pride, MSN, CPNP
    TTUHSC InfantRisk Center

