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Entries removed from Medications and Mothers' Milk?

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  • Entries removed from Medications and Mothers' Milk?

    Have some herbal drugs been removed from the online version of Medications and Mothers' Milk? I could have sworn there were entries on several herbals that I often get questions about from moms -- fennel, moringa, and elderberry, for example -- but when I search for them now there are no results.

    Did they disappear, or am I losing it?

  • #2

    Each year I add dozens, sometime hundreds, of new drugs. The book is already too large. So this year, Hilary and I carefully went through each drug/substance one by one, and made cold hard decisions about which ones were really critical, and less critical and we deleted the ones less critical.

    We eliminated fennel and moringa this year and some other drugs, although they are still in my last edition.

    I'm sorry, but building a book requires some hard decisions sometimes. Its still too big to carry in your pocket.

    Tom Hale Ph.D


    • #3
      Versions of the entries are still accessible via the InfantRisk and MommyMeds apps.


      • #4
        Were they also removed from in order to keep it consistent with the print version?


        • #5
          Verity: No, they are probably still in


