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antituberculosis drugs and breastfeeding

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  • antituberculosis drugs and breastfeeding

    I m a mother of 15 month old breastfeeding at nights alone for 3-4 times. I had right cervical lymphnodes after biopsy been diagnosed with TB and was prescribed with r.cinex 600, combutol 1 gm , pyzina 750, benadon 40.
    My physician advised to stop Bf abruptly as he s not sure of pyzina.
    I m trying to wean him slowly but I may feed my son at least 3 times at night as it may take time to wean . s it safe to breastfeed.

  • #2

    Pyrazinamide is a typical antituberculosis antibiotic used as first-line therapy in tuberculosis infections. In one patient three hours after an oral dose of 1000 mg, peak milk levels were 1.5 mg/L of milk. Peak maternal plasma levels at 2 hours were 42 ?g/mL. This amounts to a relative infant dose of 1.5%. This is probably too low to be clinically relevant in the breastfed infant.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.

