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Cabergoline + breastfeeding

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  • Cabergoline + breastfeeding


    My GP pressured me into taking Cabergoline to stop breastfeeding. I was prescribed Cabergoline 500, 1/2 tablet twice a day for 2 days. I felt side effects, and vomited on day 2 after taking 1/2 tablet. My daughter (now 23 months old, turns 2 next week) was really unhappy that I stopped breastfeeding, and so was I. Even though I pumped on day 1 and in the morning of day 2 my breasts were full of milk and I fed her. Since then I've been feeding her twice a day for 2 days and once a day for 6 days. The doctor who prescribed it said there would be no side effects if I resumed breastfeeding. However, yesterday I visited an oncologist (the reason for Cabergoline was a lump found in my breast) and he said I am harming my daughter by taking cabergoline, and it may affect her growth. How likely is it? I haven't noticed any side effects on her so far... Are there any specific tests to check the child (and her growth) is ok?
    thank you very much!
    Last edited by Elisas Mom; 09-29-2017, 02:10 AM.

  • #2
    Elisas Mom: Its not ideal to use this drug and then breastfeed. It has a 69 hour half life so it takes some time to get rid of this. While we don't have any information as to its transfer into milk, I would guess that it is rather limited. As for harming your infant, No, with this small limited exposure I don't think there's any risk at all.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.

