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Unknown medications

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  • Unknown medications

    Our clinic has Call Center and breastfeeding mothers can contact us as InfantRisk Center Hotline. A mother told us she bought medications from the internet to reduce her body weight and she really did not know the names of those medications. She felt guilty because she already took those medications and would like to start breastfeeding again. Normally, we use Medications and Mothers' Milk, Drugs during Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment, LactMed, etc. to check each medication for breastfeeding mothers. However, this case could not provide any name of those medications and they might not have FDA approved. Please suggest me about the duration for "pumping and discarding milk" when we really do not know what medication(s) that breastfeeding mother take. I know it is difficult but this mother would really like to breastfeed her child again. Thank you very much!

  • #2
    Lact Clinic:

    When faced with such unknown herbals, I'd just suggest 24 hours pump and discard.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.


    • #3
      Dear Professor Dr.Thomas Hale,

      Thank you so much for the valuable suggestion.
      It was very nice to see you at ILCA 2016 meeting.

