Dr. Dr. Hale and team,
A woman that I counsel has been prescribed Cabergoline for fertility. She is 31 years old. She has had one measurement of her prolactine levels on day 2 after her period stopped and the prolactine was 1289 mlU/l (reference ranges: 125-635). Would taking Cabergoline for lowering her prolactine levels now before getting pregnant have any effect on the development of the breast glandular tissue later and on lactation?
Thank you in advance for any information that you might have.
A woman that I counsel has been prescribed Cabergoline for fertility. She is 31 years old. She has had one measurement of her prolactine levels on day 2 after her period stopped and the prolactine was 1289 mlU/l (reference ranges: 125-635). Would taking Cabergoline for lowering her prolactine levels now before getting pregnant have any effect on the development of the breast glandular tissue later and on lactation?
Thank you in advance for any information that you might have.