Hello! Diagnosed today with left lower lobe pneumonia and prescribe Doxycycline BID for 7 days and Teslon pearls PRN. I see the doxycycline is ok as long as it’s not long term, but cannot find anything about the Teslon Pearls. Thank you!
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Doxycycline and Toddler Nursing
Mrs Rice:
No problem with short term use of Doxycycline ( 3 weeks or less).
Tesilon pearls are only a problem when a child ingests them "directly", such as from the bottle. Here they are terribly dangerous. So put this bottle in a REALLY SAFE PLACE.
We do not know the amount of Benzonatate that enters milk but I think it is probably low. If you don't need these, don't take them while breastfeeding.
So once this pneumonia is over, DISCARD THE TESSILON safely !!!
Tom Hale Ph.D.