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Bactrim = Trimethoprim sulfate

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  • Bactrim = Trimethoprim sulfate

    Hello, is Bactrim, Trimethoprim sulfate, for treating acne, twice a day, compatible with nursing one year old baby 4-6 times a day?
    thank you!

  • #2
    Dear Netta

    Using Bactrim is probably okay if used for a short duration. Secretion into human milk is considered minimal, and caution is advised if your infant has G6PD or hyperbilirubinemia.

    Also, avoid long term exposure.

    Tassneem Abdel Karim MD.

    InfantRisk Center


    • #3
      thank you,
      the treatment is for 3 months at least.
      should I avoid it all together?


      • #4
        Dear Netta

        I do not think using this medication for a long duration of time is a good idea. Try talking to your dermatologist regarding a safer alternative.

        Tassneem Abdel Karim MD
        InfantRisk Center


        • #5
          and can you please explain the side effect for the baby?

