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Caridoxen and breastfeeding

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  • Caridoxen and breastfeeding

    I am ebf my 5 month old daughter. She is healthy and weighs 14 pounds. Can I take caridoxen (naproxen 250mg/carisoprodol 200mg) for back pain? I’m only looking to take a few times at night (there would be at least 5 hours before I breastfeed her after taking it) until I can get to my osteopath. Also, she’s just had her second dose Rotarix vaccine for rotavirus if that makes any difference?


  • #2

    Naproxen is an L3-limited data-probably compatible. The amount that transfers into breast milk is 3.3% of your dose. We advise short term or occasional use probably ok, but long term use is not recommended. Monitor for vomiting and diarrhea.

    Carisoprodol is rated an L3-limited data-probably compatible. The amount that transfers into breast milk is 0.5-6.41% of your dose. Short term use is probably ok. Monitor for sedation, vomiting, hiccups, weakness.

    Sandra Lovato R.N.
    InfantRisk Center

