I was recently diagnosed with macular degeneration in one eye and the retina specialist has prescribed treatments of Anti VEGF injections in that one eye, once per month for the next 2-3 months and then less frequently after that. I have received one injection so far, and I am due to receive another this Friday, 8/20.
The retina specialist was uncertain if it would be safe for me to breastfeed after receiving my first injection. (He suggested waiting 24-48 hours before nursing and dumping the milk pumped during that time, but wasn't certain exactly how to advise me). So, AFTER I received the FIRST injection I called the Infant Risk nurse hotline BEFORE breastfeeding. The nurse who answered my call consulted with a Dr. and I was told that it would be fine to breastfeed as the quantity of product in the injection was very small (and I think they said it didn't pass the milk barrier??), so I proceeded to breastfeed as usual.
When I returned for a follow up check the retina specialist asked what I had done about breastfeeding. I told him what I had heard from Infant Risk. It seemed he had done some investigating since my last visit and was concerned that perhaps I should wait 1-2 weeks before breastfeeding, and indicated that Anti VEGF did indeed pass the milk barrier. He did also mention that this treatment was used directly on premature babies to prevent blindness, so perhaps it was indeed safe.
I am writing today to receive further clarification on what the best course of action you would advise. I found this article.
Overall, the retina specialist does not presume to be an authority on the safety of this treatment with breastfeeding, so I am hoping to get some more authoritative advice. Is this treatment not contraindicated at all? Should I wait 24-48 hours? Should I wait 1-2weeks?
I am very concerned that if I don't breastfeed for 1-2 weeks my baby may not return to the breast, and I don't know how I would pump enough milk to last that long! (not to mention dumping 1-2 weeks worth of milk!).
My baby is 8months old, full term and nurses 4x daily.
Thank you so much for your help!
I was recently diagnosed with macular degeneration in one eye and the retina specialist has prescribed treatments of Anti VEGF injections in that one eye, once per month for the next 2-3 months and then less frequently after that. I have received one injection so far, and I am due to receive another this Friday, 8/20.
The retina specialist was uncertain if it would be safe for me to breastfeed after receiving my first injection. (He suggested waiting 24-48 hours before nursing and dumping the milk pumped during that time, but wasn't certain exactly how to advise me). So, AFTER I received the FIRST injection I called the Infant Risk nurse hotline BEFORE breastfeeding. The nurse who answered my call consulted with a Dr. and I was told that it would be fine to breastfeed as the quantity of product in the injection was very small (and I think they said it didn't pass the milk barrier??), so I proceeded to breastfeed as usual.
When I returned for a follow up check the retina specialist asked what I had done about breastfeeding. I told him what I had heard from Infant Risk. It seemed he had done some investigating since my last visit and was concerned that perhaps I should wait 1-2 weeks before breastfeeding, and indicated that Anti VEGF did indeed pass the milk barrier. He did also mention that this treatment was used directly on premature babies to prevent blindness, so perhaps it was indeed safe.
I am writing today to receive further clarification on what the best course of action you would advise. I found this article.
Overall, the retina specialist does not presume to be an authority on the safety of this treatment with breastfeeding, so I am hoping to get some more authoritative advice. Is this treatment not contraindicated at all? Should I wait 24-48 hours? Should I wait 1-2weeks?
I am very concerned that if I don't breastfeed for 1-2 weeks my baby may not return to the breast, and I don't know how I would pump enough milk to last that long! (not to mention dumping 1-2 weeks worth of milk!).
My baby is 8months old, full term and nurses 4x daily.
Thank you so much for your help!