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Meds for severe PMS and tension headaches

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  • Meds for severe PMS and tension headaches

    Hi, I have questions regarding potential medications for treating both tension headaches and symptoms of severe PMS. I am nursing a 2.75 year old about twice a day. She gets a very small amount of milk (unknown quantity but I watch for swallowing and know its extremely small). I suffer from tension headaches which do not respond to Acetaminophen, ibuprofen or Naproxen (minimally). I was prescribed Baclofen but that doesn't do much of anything. I'm addition, the first half of my cycle, I suffer severe PMS symptoms most months. Severe irritability is my chief complaint. I would like to know if there is one (or more) med(s) that would effectively work for both issues that are safe while breastfeeding. I've tried the natural and homeopathic routes with no luck and I'm tired of feeling crappy and not myself (for lack of a better description). My doctor is pretty useless and prescribes things too freely without adequate regard for side effects, etc. I tried Ativan (1mg) for the PMS but think I am having a bad reaction to it (depression, crying fits?!?). I'm not interested in taking anti-depressants that have sexual (and other) side effects. Thank you very much for your help!
    Last edited by MD1; 08-14-2015, 02:22 PM. Reason: Left out info

  • #2
    MD1: This is a problem that this or some other physician is going to have to help you with, my unit does not practice medicine. Most any of these drugs are compatible with breastfeeding. I'd suggest you find another physician that might be more helpful and then call us with your drug questions. Not all antidepressants have sexual side effects, bupropion does not.

    Tom Hale Ph.D.

